| Standard Header | Y | MsgType = Y |
262 | MDReqID | Y | For a single market request, it carries the MDReqID of the rejected Market Data Request. MultiMarket requests carry asterisks. |
281 | MDReqRejReason | N | Reason for the rejection of a Market Data Request. |
| | | 0 = Unknown Symbol |
| | | 1 = Duplicate MD Request ID |
| | | 3 = Insufficient Permissions |
| | | 4 = Unsupported Subscription Request Type |
| | | 5 = Unsupported Market Depth |
| | | 6 = Unsupported MD Update Type |
| | | 8 = Unsupported MD Entry Type |
| | | 9 = Maximum Limit Exceeded |
| | | 10 = Chart Data not Enabled |
| | | 11 = Trial period has expired |
48 | SecurityID | N | T4 Market Identifier. |
58 | Text | N | Free format text string further describing the reason for the rejection. |
| Standard Trailer | Y |